AAA Board Meeting, November 6th /Tue/, 2018, 18:30
Presiding Officer in presence: Jordan Karabinov, President of AAA
In attendance: Simona Parvanova, Deyan Vassilev, Petar Svarc, Boriana Zaneva, Martin Ouzounov
- Approval of minutes – minutes from previous meeting were approved as distributed.
- Discussion resulted in a decision to start working on the communication letter to alumni community on behalf of the AAA leadership. Timeline set to two weeks from present meeting.
- Upcoming elections for the three Board of Directors positions were discussed and the possibility of extending the nominations deadline, if needed. Report on number of nominations received to date was delivered by Boriana Zaneva and Simona Parvanova.
- AUBG alumni Christmas Party possible dates and venues were discussed. Simona Parvanova will take the lead in organization and finalizing details.
- Jordan Karabinov proposed a new time-frame for preparation and publishing of Minutes from AAA BoD meetings. It was unanimously agreed to have the Minutes distributed among the AAA leadership within three work days from the last meeting and pending approval, to publish these on AAA website within six work days.
- Deyan Vassilev initiated a discussion on next steps for the Alumni Pledge initiative and it was unanimously agreed to have a proposal on that for the next meeting.
- Jordan Karabinov reported that he and other Board of Trustees members will participate in a Student Government session on campus to update students on the issues raised by SG at the BoT meeting in October. Karabinov will also meet with Dean of Faculty and faculty members to discuss actions taken by the administration to answer student issues.
- Date for our next meeting was set to approximately two weeks ahead pending Doodle poll on most appropriate day and time.
- The meeting was adjourned at 20:45.