Latest Past Events

The 2020 Democratic Primaries: A Futile Excercise?

Elieff Center for Education and Culture ул. Университетски парк 1, Sofia

AAA and friends in partnership with AUBG Development office are proud to announce the first of a series of networking events for 2020. The key speaker is Prof. Robert Phillips, Jr. The Agenda of the event would be the following: 18:30 - 19:00 - Welcome drinks and snacks / networking at the Elieff Center 19:00 […]


25th AUBG Commencement Ceremony

American University in Bulgaria Svoboda Bachvarova 12, Blagoevgrad

The 25th AUBG Commencement Ceremony will take place on AUBG Skaptopara Campus, between Balkanski Academic Center and America for Bulgaria Student Center. In the event of light rain, the ceremony remains outdoors, and guests and participants are advised to be prepared for such weather. Should there be severe weather, the ceremony will take place at America for […]

AUBG Board of Trustees Meeting

American University in Bulgaria America for Bulgaria Student Center, Blagoevgrad

The annual end of academic year Board of Trustees meeting will take place on AUBG campus in Blagoevgrad on May 16-19, 2019. PROGRAM MAY 16, 2019 THURSDAY 10:00 a.m. Dimi Panitza Street Dedication Ceremony 18 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., Sofia MAY 17, 2019 FRIDAY 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. Open Meeting with Constituent Groups—Alumni, Students, Faculty and […]

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