AAA Board Meeting, October 15th /Mon/, 2018, 18:30
Presiding Officer in presence: Jordan Karabinov, President of AAA
In attendance: Simona Parvanova, Deyan Vassilev, Petar Svarc, Boriana Zaneva, Martin Ouzounov, Daniel Secareanu
- Approval of minutes – minutes from previous meeting were approved as distributed.
- Final version of AAA President’s report for the forthcoming BoT meeting at AUBG was presented by Jordan Karabinov and unanimously approved by the AAA Board of Directors.
- Timeline and channels for communicating the report to the AUBG alumni community was discussed and approved. Daniel Secareanu was tasked to handle the process.
- Jordan Karabinov put forward details for an upcoming meeting with AUBG Student Government representatives on AUBG campus in October. It was decided to have a live video conferencing with other members of the AAA Board of Directors that would facilitate the interactive communication with the students.
- Time-frame for the next AAA BoD meeting was unanimously approved.
- Date for our next meeting was set to approximately two weeks ahead, pending Doodle poll on most appropriate day and time.
- The meeting was adjourned at 20:30.