Latest Past Events

The 2020 Democratic Primaries: A Futile Excercise?

Elieff Center for Education and Culture ул. Университетски парк 1, Sofia

AAA and friends in partnership with AUBG Development office are proud to announce the first of a series of networking events for 2020. The key speaker is Prof. Robert Phillips, Jr. The Agenda of the event would be the following: 18:30 - 19:00 - Welcome drinks and snacks / networking at the Elieff Center 19:00 […]


AAA 20th Anniversary & Alumni Christmas Party

Club Alcohol Ploshtad Petko R. Slaveykov 4, Sofia

IT'S TIME TO PARTY, PEOPLE! 2019 was a landmark year for both AAA and AUBG and we have a lot to celebrate about! The Alumni Association turned 20 in 2019 and has grown out of its teen years - we actively take on more responsibilities with maturity and look to play a pivotal role in […]


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