AAA Board Meeting Minutes, Oct 29th /Tue/, 2019, 18:30
Presiding Officer in presence: Jordan Karabinov, President of AAA
In attendance: Martin Ouzounov, Deyan Vassilev, Petar Svarc, Miroslav Arnaudov, Stefan Ivanov, Avgustina Pasheeva, Simona Parvanova
1. Update on the upcoming elections for AAA Directors at Large was delivered by Petar Svarc, Chair of Nominations and Elections Organizing Committee.
2. Motion from Petar Svarc, seconded by Avgustina Pasheeva and Deyan Vassilev, on the timeline and procedure regarding the Call for Elections, Soliciting Nominations, and Voting window. Approved unanimously.
3. In relation to recent announcement from Georgi Malchev /AAA Vice-President/ of his desire to resign from the Officer’s post before end of term, the board voted unanimously to keep the VP position vacant till the AAA leadership elections in 2020.
4. Report on the Pledge initiative progress and proposed next steps was delivered by Deyan Vassilev, Fundraising and Pledge Workgroup Chair.
5. Notion about AAA current operational budget and available funding resulted in an agreement to discuss further options and possible scenarios at the November Retreat.
6. November 10th AAA Board Retreat place and time was discussed and agreed, as well as timeline to put forward ideas for the agenda.
7. AAA Christmas Party possible dates and venues were discussed. Simona Parvanova, Chair of Alumni Events in Sofia workgroup will lead organization and final details.
8. Date for next AAA meeting will be set following the Retreat resolutions. An agreement was reached to invite a representative from AUBG Albanian Alumni Association /AAAA/ to the regular AAA board call meetings.
9. Meeting was adjourned at 19:30.