AAA Board Meeting, January 16th /Wed/, 2019, 18:30
Presiding Officer in presence: Jordan Karabinov, President of AAA
In attendance: Simona Parvanova, Boriana Zaneva, Martin Ouzounov, Deyan Vassilev, George Malchev, Petar Svarc, Daniel Secareanu, Miroslav Arnaudov, Teodora Amova, Liana Bursava
- Approval of minutes – minutes from the last meeting were approved as previously distributed.
- Brief introductions by all Board members and welcome to new Board members – Teddy Amova, Liana Burtsava, Miroslav Arnaudov.
- Preparation for BoT meeting in Washington, January 26, 2019.
- AUBG Alumni Lecture Series – Create a work-group (Svarc, Teddy, George, Boriana, Miroslav, Ivaylo).
- Regular Alumni meeting in Sofia – next date and steps. Work-group created (Jordan, Simona, Deyan, George, Miro) to organize recurring monthly meetings.
- Alumni Pledge 2019 campaign – to be discussed at next AAA Board meeting.
- AUBG MultiTalent Quest 2019 – update on this year’s edition.
- February retreat date set for Feb 10th, 2019 from 3:30 pm till 8 p.m. (Deyan, Boriana, Liana, Jordan and Ivaylo).
- Discuss Hair the Musical request – Teddy Amova to coordinate with Jordan and Ivaylo.
- Date for next AAA meeting set to March 6th following up on the February retreat resolutions.
- Meeting was adjourned at 20:35.